Legal Documentation

Below, you’ll find legal documentation for all products & services.

  • Clan Rules for World of Tanks on Console
  • Clan Rules for World of Tanks on Console

    Below you can find the rules for creating, joining and managing a clan in World of Tanks on Console. The Clan rules are part of the set Game Rules.

    Please note that the rules and restrictions are not exhaustive and do not cover all possible offensive or abusive behavior therefore please refer to the game rules and EULA for a more comprehensive view.

    1. Clan registration is offered to you on a fee basis. The registration fee will be automatically charged from the account of the player creating a clan at the moment of registration.
    2. The number of clan members must not exceed 100 people. 
    3. The clan name consists of the full name and tag (abbreviation).
    4. The full clan name can contain lowercase and uppercase characters of the Latin, Cyrillic, and other national alphabets, spaces, digits, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
    5. The full clan name must include 2-25 characters.
    6. The tag can contain only uppercase Latin characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_) and digits.
    7. The tag must be from 2 to 5 characters in length.
    8. Both the full name and tag are unique within the project. During name verification the case is not considered.
    9. Certain content for names, avatars, images/video, signatures & clan logos, have no place on the forums or within the Game, due to their extremely offensive, annoying or inappropriate nature. The following list is only a summary, but it gives some idea of names, images, signatures, avatars and clan logos which are not accepted with the Game environment:
    10. Names, Avatars, Images/Video, Signatures & Clan logos:
      • That contains profanity, including its abbreviated form.
      • That contains insults, personal attacks, abuse or harassment.
      • Which either in whole or partly contain copyrighted or registered trade mark elements.
      • Which have (in any way) racist or nationalistic implications which may create offense to a certain nation, ethnic, religious or racial group.
      • That contains an allusion of racial or national supremacy, as well as discriminative propaganda on any level.
      • Which contain insults or derogatory comments based on race, nationality, religion, culture, mental stature, sex, or sexual preference.
      • Which have an association with sexuality, pedophilia, sexual abuse, or have an offensive connection to the human body or bodily functions.
      • Which contain nudity, sexually explicit material or content that is otherwise deemed inappropriate.
      • Which contain excessive gore or violence, or are obscene/vulgar.
      • Which make reference to addictive or illegal substances or their use, or any other illegal activities.
      • That contains logotypes, symbols, emblems or figures connected in one way or another with organizations, which violate or were violating existing laws and rules; i.e. anything that may provoke strong negative reaction/association or promote national/ethnic/religious hatred. (For example, using different variations of Nazi symbolic, abridgments and signs [88, 14, 420, SS], or similar stylizing [such as, 55] as well as credentials, names and surnames of Nazi leaders.)
      • That contains reference to current mainstream religions that may create offense, i.e. names such as God, Jesus, Allah, etc.
      • That are connected with negative historical or political personalities, first of all those who are judged by international courts for crimes against humanity, those that generally arouse feelings of suffering or disgust in the majority of people, as well as members of currently existing terrorist organizations;
      • That negatively portrays the projects staff, or administration.
      • Which in any other manner violates the End User License Agreement or local laws, either implicitly or explicitly are prohibited. (This also contains links to websites containing the above).
    11. If names (Clan or Tag), avatars, signatures, images/video, clan logos within the forums or within the game violate these rules the offending account may be changed and/or the accounts may be sanctioned or suspended. Moreover, the administration reserves the right to delete, update or modify any names (Clan or Tag) and avatars, images or clan images which are considered inappropriate on the forums or within the game environment.
    12. If Wargaming has determined that a Clan Commander’s account has been inactive after 6 months, the entire Clan will be deemed as Inactive.
      • When a Clan is deemed Inactive, the Clan Commander will be sent a ticket via the Customer Support Center.  The Clan Commander will have 30 days to respond to the ticket and remove the Inactive status.
      • If a Clan Commander is aware that he/she will become Inactive, they can submit a ticket to the Customer Support Center requesting the name and tag be kept for an additional 6 months up to a year.
      • If a Clan Commander is deemed Inactive, their title and rank will be given to the highest ranking member of the Clan or tenure.
      • If there are two members of the same rank, the player who has been in the clan the longest will receive priority
    13. 12. The Project Administration monitors players’ compliance with the rules and dispenses disciplinary action specific to each case at their discretion. The clan whose full or abbreviated name is deemed violating the rules can be disbanded without reimbursement of the registration fee. The Administration has the right but is not obliged to give the clan violating the rules up to 24 hours to eliminate the violation.
    14. 13. Any violation of these Rules automatically entail the violation of the User Agreement or other similar document governing the use of the respective game and shall give grounds for sanctions against the clan creator or other person having the authority to manage the clan.